The aim of this site is simple , to list every known live appearance of Noddy Holder,Dave Hill,Don Powell and Jim Lea between 1962 and 1984.
The 4 were members of various groups before getting together as The 'Nbetweens in 1966. To save time I will give each of them a suffix- Nod (NH) -Jim (JL) - Dave (DH) and Don (DP) so you can work out who is in what group ie."The Phantoms"(NH)
Based on published evidence, local adverts, flyers ,posters ,tickets and diaries the list needs your help to make it as complete as possible. Not every venue advertised or if they did they may not have mentioned the groups name.."Top Local Group" is the bane of my life so if you spot a mistake or you know something is missing and have an advert, ticket etc please contact me.